Mark m. uploaded 1 photo and received 23 edits.

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Restore old photo, Creative / major manipulation
Hi, This is a photo which my father in Law took of his favourite place in the world. He had printed the photo onto canvass and this is a photo of that canvass as we no longer have the original photo. He recently passed and my wife would love to display this image onto a projector screen during his funeral next Tuesday (21st September). Is there any way of enhancing this image so that it looks smooth like a hd original photo as it currently is clearly a canvass when you zoom in, and might not look very good when projected onto a large screen. Any help would be very much appreciated and would bring some sunshine to my wife’s day. Many thanks Mark
  • Advanced Retouching
  • Closed: 4 years ago
  • Award: 1 x $75.00

Edited photos